Knitting doesn't have to be done only with yarn or wool. I had this idea awhile ago, to knit with plastic bags. I planned on making a hand bag or a pencil case, but never got around to finishing it (I get distracted pretty easily).
Here is how I made the plastic yarn:
The bags I use are shopping bags with handles, in bright colors (I like Old Navy bags the best).
Flatten the seams and smooth the wrinkles.
Cut off the handles.
Cut open one side and the bottom, so you have it opened up completely.
Start at one corner and cut a strip, about 1/2 an inch to 1 inch, depending how thick you want your yarn (the thinner the easier to use).
When you get up to the first side, simply turn and keep cutting it one length. This will make a big spiral.
It's a good idea to wrap the "yarn" into balls, so it's easier to work with.
Here are some items for sale on Etsy made out of plastic bags:
I would love to see some finished projects, so feel free to email me pictures, and I'll post them!
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